Helping you to efficiently manage large scale redundancies

It is important to us that those employees faced with either losing their job or having it significantly changed are dealt with in a manner that their employers expect.

We support employers going through the process of making large numbers of employees redundant in a way which offers empathy to those impacted, whilst streamlining the administration and complying with legal requirements.

Our service is always transparent, and our technology platform provides real-time access, allowing users to see both progress and cost on each case.

We are able to complete significant numbers of settlement agreements – typically 100+ per day if required.

If you or a client is dealing with a major restructure and needs expert legal advice, we can handle any redundancies in an efficient and cost effective way, contact John Robinson for more details. 


“Schofield Sweeney operate as an invaluable part of our HR team, giving sensible and straight forward advice. The team has always been accessible and responsive”

Why work with us?

  • We deliver robust legal advice in a sensitive manner to those affected employees
  • We help to achieve your businesses’ objectives offering a fair and reasonable process preceding either the departure of their valued staff or changes to their terms and conditions of employment
  • Reduce the risk of litigation and internal grievances
  • Provide a cost-effective, time-critical service that both parties benefit from

Experienced advice you can rely on

  • Our team has a fantastic track record when dealing with these types of cases
  • We provide compassionate advice and work hard to ensure that the settlement agreement process is fair and reasonable
  • We do not compromise our impartiality, but we do ensure that each business we assist can be confident that we will work with them to achieve their stated goals

Find out more about our employment team.

How we’ve supported our clients

Supporting a major global airline through a mass redundancy and restructure

We successfully completed more than 1300 settlement agreements in relation to the employees of a global airline, advising up to 100 employees per day.

Senior Management Team restructure and redundancies

Advising senior staff and Board members following a management buy-out of a large greeting card company, including advice on post-termination restrictions and share-option schemes.


Managing mass redundancies in person

The closure of an entire manufacturing site which required face-to-face on-site meetings over a three-month period, and the successful managed exit of almost 500 staff.

With over 25 years’ experience, John Robinson,  has pioneered an approach that incorporates the service level excellence businesses deserve when dealing with large-scale settlement agreements. John ensures that our clients receive robust, independent legal advice in a manner that reflects and supports the difficult situation they are in.
We’re here to help, get in touch.
Contact the team today