Shielding to stop from 1 April 2021

18th March 2021

Public Health England has issued new guidance for those categorised as clinically extremely vulnerable. This can be accessed by clicking here.

The guidance states that from 1 April 2021, those people who have been classed as clinically extremely vulnerable will no longer be advised to shield. They will also no longer be eligible for SSP or other applicable benefits as a result of being advised to shield.

The guidance states “everyone is advised to continue to work from home where possible, but if you cannot work from home you should now attend your workplace” and it states that employers should still be taking appropriate measures to keep employees safe at work, as well as following the applicable lockdown rules.

For some employees this will cause concern and we are anticipating some hesitancy from such employees to return to the workplace, particularly if they have not yet received one or both doses of the vaccine. Employers will need to manage this sympathetically taking into account the individual circumstances of the employee. If they can work from home, the guidance remains that they should. If any employee is not fit to work (from home or in the workplace) because of an underlying condition, or because of anxiety caused by the wider pandemic, this will need to be managed in accordance with your usual absence procedures.

If you need any further advice about managing employees, we’re here to help – get in touch.

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