Managing special educational needs – getting it right for you and your pupils
25th Apr 2023About this event
- 25th Apr 2023
- 9:30 am - 12:30 pm
- Schofield Sweeney Leeds Office, 76 Wellington Street, Leeds, LS1 2AY
- £30.00 / Free for Just Teach subscribers
Effective management of SEND in schools, avoiding discrimination and handling SENDist Tribunal claims
Our specialist Education Team will deliver a thought provoking and interactive seminar that will help schools comply with their statutory obligations when dealing with students with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND). There will also be opportunities for peer to peer discussion and networking.
What the session will cover:
We will provide practical advice about how to comply with your statutory obligations as they arise during the different stages of a typical SEND case:
Stage 1
Sam is a Year 7 student finding the transition from primary school difficult and is exhibiting behavioural issues.
Stage 2
As Sam’s behavioural issues worsen, Sam is diagnosed with ADHD, resulting in parental complaints.
Stage 3
Unfortunately, Sam becomes more aggressive and injures another student. This leads the school to consider permanent exclusion.
We will explore the options available to the school at each stage, such as obtaining an EHCP, making reasonable adjustments, amending the behaviour policy and potential suspensions.
We will also look at when a permanent exclusion will be acceptable, what other options need to be explored, and we cover how and when disability discrimination can occur.
We will conclude by explaining the process of a SENDist Tribunal, how best to succeed in defending a disability discrimination claim and what Order a SENDist Tribunal may make.
The seminar is perfect for:
Those who are responsible for SENDist, managing behaviour or are responsible for exclusions and the appeals process.
It will be a fantastic opportunity not only to update and refresh your knowledge of law and practice in this area, but also to discuss the issues with others, including the team here at Schofield Sweeney.
Timings for the day:
9.30am – arrival, registration and breakfast
10am – session begins
12.30pm – session concludes and departure
Please use the registration button below to book your place.
We look forward to seeing you there.